Club Penguin 2009 Halloween Party Cheats!

Hey Every One! Check out the cheats for the Club Penguin 2009 Halloween Party:
First here are the Halloween Scavenger Hunt Cheats;

For the first peice of candy go to the lodge attic, and click on Jack-O-Lantern between the red and blue couches.

For the secound peice of candy go to the dock, and click on the candy corn.

For the third peice of candy go to the Pet Shop, and click on the candles then click on the lollipop.

For the fourth peice of candy go to the cove, and click on the pink colored candy in the ghost's book.

For the fifth peice of candy go to the pool, and click on the pumpkin above.

For the sixth peice of candy go to the Soccor Pitch, and click on the cubed candy peice in the lights.

For the seventh peice of candy go to the forest, click in the bushes.

For the eighth peice of candy, go to the mine and click on the green peice of candy thats stuck in green goo.

And thats all for the Club Penguin Halloween Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

~Darkbane 77~


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