New Club Penguin Party Favors Pin!
New Club Penguin Ruby and The Ruby Brooch Pin Cheat!
Club Penguin Free Holiday Coins Unlock!
Hey guys Club Penguin is allowing everyone to get 500 free coins just by typing this code for the holidays! The Code is DECNLR10.You can enter it by clicking on the button ''PLAY NOW!'' on Club Penguin's homepage , Then click on the button ''Unlock Items Online!'' If you can't find the button here is how it looks like:

New Club Penguin Reviewed By You!
Hey guys, here is what Billybob said about the new Reviewed By You:
Hello Penguins!
Last week we wanted to know what you're doing to celebrate the strange weather and 12hello15 said:
I am taking my puffles for walks in the rain. They love jumping in puddles and getting soaked. Then we stop at the pizza parlor for a pizza and to dry off before going home to my igloo and listening to the rain pounding against the roof. I Hope it rains again on Club Penguin its really fun and my puffles and I really love it. WADDLE ON!
Thanks 12hello15 - it's cool to know your puffle likes the rain!
Starting this week, the new Club Penguin Times will be coming to you a little later than you're used to.
Check for the paper on Thursday by 2 p.m. Penguin Standard Time from now on.
This week's edition features new updates on Card-Jitsu Water - don't miss it!
Speaking of Card-Jitsu, this week we want to know - what's been your favorite experience as a ninja so far?
Write your Reviewed By You answer as a comment. We'll post one (50 - 75 words, please) in next week's Reviewed By You. If your submission is chosen to be the feature comment on next week's blog, we'll add 10,000 coins to your penguin account. Don't forget to use your penguin name so we can add coins!
Until then... Waddle on!
- Club Penguin Team
Sounds cool! Well, Until then... Waddle on!
~Darkbane 77~
New Club Penguin Reviewed By You! Card-Jitsu Water is Coming Soon!
Hey guys theres some news about Card Jitsu Water! Check out what Billybob said about it:
Hello penguins!
A lot of you are curious about Card-Jitsu Water...
Check out this video:
It's true! Card-Jitsu Water is coming very soon! I hope you're ready.
Remember - only ninjas can play Card-Jitsu Water, so earn your Ninja Mask as soon as you can.
Ninjas, keep a look out for Sensei. He might be in the Ninja Hideout looking for new recruits this week.
Until then... waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Well there you have it! Make sure you try out Card-Jitsu Water when it comes out if you can!
Until then... Waddle on!
~Darkbane 77~
New Club Penguin Rain Update!
Hey guys Club Penguin is raining all over the island! Here is what Billybob said about the update:
Hello penguins!
It's raining for the first time ever! We've seen a lot of you enjoying the strange weather and splashing in puddles. Check it out:
We've got some surprises planned for next week, and I'll tell you more about that soon.
Until then... waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
Hmm... Could the surprises be about Water Card-Jitsu?
This is a really cool update because this is the first time it had ever rained on Club Penguin! What do you think?
Until then... Waddle on!
~Darkbane 77~
New Club Penguin Card-Jitsu Water Coming Soon!
Hey guys, have you become a fire ninja yet on Club Penguin? Well it's almost time to become a water ninja! Check this video out!:
This looks like a lot of fun! I wonder how some of the new Card-Jitsu Water cards would look like.
Also if you log into Club Penguin you can see that it's raining all over the island! So, what do you think? Are you excited? Feel free to comment about it if you'd like. Well...
Until then... Waddle on!
~Darkbane 77~